About us

Find out more about Bucovina Forestry College.

“Bucovina” Forestry College

Fairytale school


Collaborative learning environment which stimulates communication and confidence of students, parents, and teachers, provides a familial friendly environment.


84 efficient teaching staff (authors of school programs, manuals, and curricular aids) are loyal to the college and offers equal opportunities to all 1128 students.


It is a school of performance First place at “European School” Competition, Third Place European Championship in forestry skills 2018, 2019,2021, First place - forestry course – European Championship in forestry skills, First place at European Contest” Young People in European Forests”, First place at „Made for Europe” Contest. Awards at national competitions and Olympiads (all disciplines).


High professionalism with recognized performance: the only forestry school in the country that retains its college title, “the best option in the local community”.


Resource center school for all in the fields of forestry and woodworking.


Initiating the digitization of the educational process by implementing the Adservio educational platform, starting in 2017, 100% of teachers trained for online teaching.


Center for training adults in the field of forestry and wood exploitation.


Mentor school for the community in accessing European projects.